About Us

Henderson & Henderson Holdings, LLC® brings together -both paralegal and global logistical services- respectively via Paradigma International and 3H Logix International. We shall provide qualitative and quantitative deliverables by current, competent, and compliant means for their efficiency and efficacy in matters involving immigration, litigation, notarization, and transportation. Notwithstanding, we shall do so with exceptional and exemplary concentrated effort and execution for our clients and customers -the “missing link”.
- The colors of platinum and gold represent the value of the world's most precious metals.
- The platinum chain represents the interconnected ecosystems of the global supply chain and our paralegal services.
- The links are our customers, vendors, partners, and other resources.
- The HHH monogram, like our company, is bold, innovative, multi-dimensional, yet, homogenous, and officially registered.
- The gold-lettered credo - Providing the Missing Link - speaks for itself.
- The forty (40) links represent deliverance…we deliver on our promises.
- The chain is only as strong as its weakest link.